Video from 1st Multiplier Event

Posted on January 17th 2022

Online Questionnaire

Posted on January 13th 2022

A short online questionnaire where you will be asked to give your judgment about the quality of the present system, its added value, to share your thoughts on features that you think are missing and should/could be added, etc. Won’t take you more than 2 or 3 minutes.

CAT SL in LinkedIn

Posted on January 13th 2022

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CAT SL project dissemination through the following LinkedIn profile

Intellectual Output 1

Posted on January 4th 2022

The First Intellectual Output of CAT-SL EL01-KA203-079232 can be found on IO1.

First multiplier event

Posted on December 15th, 2021

The first multiplier event of the project CAT-SL EL01-KA203-079232 will take place on 13.1.2022 at 2-3.30 pm (Athens time) through an online event that will be broadcast via zoom at the link and is open to the public. The presentation will include the objectives of the project, the consortium and the research results to date on the implementation of a platform for the automatic teaching of sign language. An open discussion will follow.

Participation in PatrasIQ EXPO

Posted on December 14th, 2021

The CAT-SL project was presented in the annual PatrasIQ Technology Transfer Exhibition ( )as part of the virtual stand of the Signal Processing and Communications Lab of the University of Patras. PatrasIQ promotes the interconnection of top research/technological achievements of the academic and research community and the productive sector. It is a co-operation of the Ministry of Development & Investments, the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, the University of Patras, the Hellenic Open University, the Region of Western Greece and the Chamber of Achaia.

Second Multiplier Event

Posted on 21 October 2022

The second multiplication event of the CAT-SL project EL01-KA203-079232 took place on 21.10.2022 at the University of Porto. In this open event, the research results to date and the current implementation of the platform for automatic sign language teaching were presented. The event was accompanied by speeches and presentations of related activities from related projects.

Third Multiplier Event

Posted on 20 January 2023

The third multiplication event of the CAT-SL project EL01-KA203-079232 took place on 20.1.2023 in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. At this open event, the automatic sign language teaching platform was presented and the latest research results were presented. The event was a success and gave attendees the opportunity to learn about the progress of the project as well as related activities and initiatives from other projects in the field.

Fourth Multiplier Event

Posted on 13 July 2023

Our open event, "Assistive Technology for Improving Communication" marked the fourth multiplier event and the final one before the project's conclusion. Held in Athens, Greece on 13 July 2023, the gathering featured numerous presentations and the latest updates and showcasing of the CAT-SL platform. The event piqued considerable interest among attendees, showing a strong inclination towards utilizing our platform in the future for the teaching of Sign Language.

Erasmus+ - Greek State Scholarship's Foundation (IKY): EL01-KA203-079232, E10209090.
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